Symposium mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf kollektiven Rechtsschutz

im Namen und auf Rechnung des DAV

10. Oktober 2024 in Prag
Law – Made in Germany
Symposium mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf kollektivem Rechtsschutz und Schiedsverfahren in Deutschland und der Tschechischen Republik
10. října 2024 v Praze
Law – Made in Germany
Sympozium se zvláštním zaměřením na kolektivní odškodnění a rozhodčí řízení v České republice a Německu

Venue: Goethe-Institute in the Czech Republic, Masarykovo nábřeží 32, 110 00 Praha 1

09:30  Opening by
Julia Heise, LL.M., Attorney-at-Law, Vice President of the German Bar Association (DAV), Frankfurt am Main
Greetings by
Karel Dvořák, Deputy Minister of Justice of the Czech Republic
Dr. Angelika Schlunck
, State Secretary to the German Federal Minister for Justice Andreas Künne, Ambassador, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
Law – Made Germany, Introduction to the Symposium by
Dr. Jan Curschmann, Attorney-at-Law, Taylor Wessing, Hamburg

10:15 Collective redress in the Czech Republic 
JUDr. Anežka Janousková, Charles University, Prague
10:50  Collective redress in Germany
Prof. Dr. Ben Steinbrück, Attorney-at-Law, SZA, Mannheim

11:25  Coffee break

11:45  Partnership law in Germany
Richard Notz, LL.M., Attorney-at-Law |
Of Counsel, Lutz | Abel, Stuttgart

12:20 Partnership law in the Czech Republic JUDr. Lucie Josková, Charles University, Prague

12:55    Lunch break

14:00 Arbitration proceedings in the Czech Republic
JUDr. Jan Brodec, Charles University, Prague

14:35    Arbitration proceedings in Germany
Dr. Ramona Schardt, German Arbitration Institute (DIS)

15:10    Commercial Courts
Patrick Melin, Presiding Judge at the Regional Court, Stuttgart

15:45    Coffee break

16:00 Law Enforcement in the Czech Republic 
JUDr. Ondřej Rathouský, Attorney-at-Law, Giese & Partner, Prague

16:35  Law Enforcement in Germany
Dr. Katharina Bernheim-Engler, University of Halle-Wittenberg

17:10    Closing remarks by
Dr.    Werner    Müller,    Attorney-at-Law, Frankfurt am Main

17:20  Farewell drinks

The event will be held in English. No translation will be provided. 
(Total: 5 training hours)

1 Tag, 10.10.2024
Donnerstag, 10:00 - 17:20 Uhr 
1 Termin(e)
Do 10.10.2024 10:00 - 17:20 Uhr Prag - Goethe-Institute in the Czech Republic, Masarykovo nábřeží 32, 11000 Praha 1

Participation fees: 145,20 € (inkl. USt.)
Participation fee for students: 72,60 € (inkl. USt.)

Participant information

Venue:    Goethe-Institute Czech Republic, Masarykovo nábrezi 32, 11000 Praha 1.

Participation fees: 120,- EUR 
(60,- EUR for students) excluding Czech VAT (21%), including lunch and coffee breaks.

Registration:  (online only) please go to [registration link follows]

Certificate of training: The event is suitable for the DAV certificate of training (DAV- Fortbildungsbescheinigung). You will receive a certificate of participation.

Cancellation: Please inform us in writing by September 10, 2024 of any inability to attend. After that, we will charge a processing fee of € 17.50.

Organizer:    Deutscher Anwaltverein/German Bar Association (DAV) in cooperation with the
DAV-Czech Republic z.s. and the DAV-Section of International Business Law (AG IWR)

Cooperation partners: German Embassy Prague, Goethe-Institute Czech Republic, Czech Bar Association (CAK), German-Czech Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DTIHK)

Plätze frei
(Plätze frei)